Philip Stevenson, PA-C
Orthopedic Surgeon located in Elko, NV
About Philip Stevenson, PA-C
Phil Stevenson, PA-C specializes in orthopedics and spine. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Utah State University and his master’s degree as a physician assistant from Midwestern University.
He has specialized in the spine for seven years, including the diagnosis and treatment of degenerative, deformity, and traumatic conditions of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spines.
He is married and has five children. He enjoys many outdoor activities including, camping, hiking, and fly-fishing.
Accepted Insurances
For your convenience, Frontier Spine & Orthopaedic Surgery accepts most major insurance plans. Click on “View full list of companies” to see a list of commonly accepted insurances. This list is not entirely inclusive of all the plans we accept. For specific insurance plan inquiries, please contact the office .